Posted March 6, 2015 by & filed under Concrete Restoration, Tips & How-To's.

concrete silo restoration, Trisco Systems IncWhen it comes to selecting a contractor for your project, several factors may come in to play, such as price or ability to meet a schedule. However, if the end result is a quality repair that will extend the service life of your structure, then the decision should come down to workmanship. In the end, it always comes down to workmanship. You can have the best technology in materials or equipment, but at the end of the day it is the craftsman on the wall who controls the outcome of the repair.

In order to create a level of confidence, the owner should look for the following from a contractor: a proven track record, a proactive training program, an excellent safety record, and a working knowledge of the materials and preparation necessary to perform a proper repair. The low bidder is usually not the contractor who can meet all of those criteria.

When selecting a contractor, look for a restoration specialist with a proven track record, one who can evaluate the situation properly, diagnose and treat your situation properly, and who has the craftsman capable of performing the work to the highest standards.

Concrete deteriorates over time, so ignoring that fact will eventually become quite expensive. Owners or facility managers should perform visual inspections of their facility every year to look for deficiencies such as fractures, delaminating concrete, moisture intrusion, exposed rebar, or failed protective coatings. Issues such as these are caused by the forces of both man and nature, and are immensely destructive and expensive to repair if unchecked. Thus, it is best practice to address these deficiencies as soon as they are discovered. We suggest budgeting proactively for routine inspections and minor repairs, which will in turn be a wise investment that will add service life to your storage structures.

This article was written by Steven W. Walter CEO and President of Trisco Systems and was published in the January/February 2015 edition of The Grain Journal national publication. For more information regarding maintaining your concrete structure, please contact Trisco Systems.