
The Trisco Story

In 1925 a German entrepreneur, William H. Walter, came to the United States and settled in Chicago. He developed an artificial marble known as Marbletex and formed a company that rapidly grew to over 100 employees. There are actually ships at the bottom of Pearl Harbor with Marbletex fireplaces in their captain’s quarters. Eventually his business caught the attention of economic developers from Lima, Ohio who encouraged him to move his operation to Lima.

As with many businesses, his business fell on hard times during the depression. After talking to a friend who worked at a school building that was experiencing leaks, he had an idea. He formulated a material and applied it to the brick wall, then had the local fire department use a fire hose to blast water at the brick. It didn’t leak. This led to the development and patent of the “Trisco System” – a new process for the remedial treatment and waterproofing of masonry buildings – spurring the formation of the Trisco Waterproofing Company in 1936. By 1945 the Trisco System was a recognized standard for the treatment of school buildings in the State of Ohio. The company grew in the 40’s and 50’s with offices in six major cities in three states, and in 1956 it was incorporated as Trisco Systems, Inc.

After a decade of hard times, the company was reorganized; serving as the foundation for long and continued growth and development. Trisco expanded its work force, capabilities, and with its chemical engineering background, they manufactured many of their own products. Trisco was the first company of its type to utilize chemicals to clean buildings in the midwest, recognizing the harmful effects of the sandblasting that was being done by competitors.

With national recognition and a growing demand for the revitalization of historic structures, the building restoration industry truly came into it’s own during the 70’s and 80’s, and Trisco was poised to be a leader. The company expanded its capabilities and Trisco grew with the industry.

In the 80’s and 90’s the company experienced a rapid, but controlled growth. This growth was not only in the number of employees but also in the value added services that Trisco was proficient in providing, such as restoration consulting. The company adjusted to meet the needs of the market, evolving technologies, and the demands of modern-day business.

Today, the Trisco family of businesses employs over 125 people and has expanded into all facets of evaluation, repair, maintenance, weatherproofing, protection, and preservation of existing buildings and structures. Trisco is recognized as an industry leader in these services which are currently offered throughout the midwest and eastern United States. With almost 100 years of experience and knowledge, Trisco has the capability to offer many other value-added services.

Today, Trisco Systems, Inc. continues to grow and flourish under the leadership of the Walter family and key associates. The commitment to the industry and eagerness to succeed, instilled by the traditions of the first generation, are what drive Trisco Systems today.