Stay Healthy During the Winter Months

Posted February 27, 2020 by & filed under Trisco-in-Action, Wellness.

We hate to be the ones to remind you but winter is here and next month we find out if it’s extending its stay or if the warmer weather is going to move in. Either way staying active is key to keeping your New Year resolutions and continuing your wellness journey. We know that staying active in the summer is easier due to the warm temperatures and sunshine, but the cold and snow doesn’t have to derail your goals. Check out a couple of our ways to stay active, even in the colder temperatures.

Go Outside

Yes, we know it’s cold and you are probably comfortable in a blanket and cozy chair, but staying inside could harm your health. The warm temperatures and rotation of germs is cause for some serious colds. To avoid this, bundle up, find a day when the sky is blue, step outside and let the winter sun hit you. Layer-up and take a walk or shovel snow (if there’s snow to shovel)… you may find yourself working up a sweat, even with temperatures in the single digits.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Just because it isn’t colorful outside doesn’t mean your plate shouldn’t be. Keep carbohydrate-heavy foods to a minimum and load up your plate with dark leafy greens, winter squash, and citrus. These fruits and vegetables are filled with nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber which can help keep you energized and your immune system strong to fight against those winter germs.

Drink Plenty of Water

We know this is a no brainer, 8-10 glasses are recommended especially in the winter. In the summer months, we tend to grab our water bottles more readily due to high heat indexes but don’t forget about that water intake during the winter months as well.  You feel better when you are hydrated and it helps battle the winter illnesses.

Plan your workouts in advance

On Sunday night, sit down with your weekly calendar, and schedule the right time for you to work out. Choose what workout routines, activities or exercises you will be doing each day and how long they normally last. Planning your workouts ahead of time will make a fitness schedule easier to stick to.

Exercise at Home

We get it, leaving your warm and cozy home to head to the gym when it’s windy and cold is tough. So don’t leave. There are plenty of online resources that supply workout videos and exercises that are not only fun but strenuous enough that you will feel you got an appropriate workout without the gym membership. Change up your home workout routines and rotate in a variety of exercises including yoga, strength training, aerobics, and other body-weight exercises.

By implementing these tips into your daily life you will be able to not only stay on track with your New Year’s resolution but you will be able to stay healthy during the winter months.