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Project Story: Webb Insurance

The Webb Insurance agency in downtown Lima has been in business for over 100 years. The business has been passed down from generation to generation, known around Lima as a family business. Over the years, Webb Insurance has been a consistent supporter of the business development in downtown Lima. Because of this, when a deteriorated wall of their building was made visible, the building owners needed to decide whether to stay in the building or move. Project Story: Webb Insurance Project Story: Webb Insurance

The deteriorated wall was exposed when an adjacent building that shared a party wall with the Webb building suffered a severe fire which necessitated the demolition of the building. The newly exposed and heavily damaged party wall was now visible. The wall condition consisted of deteriorated brick masonry, large voids, and portions of structurally unsound wall sections. The balance of the building was original limestone that was severely deteriorated, was a source of leaks, and was generally unsightly.

As mentioned above, this is when the building owners had to decide whether to stay in the same building or move due to the potential large cost of restoration. They decided to keep their downtown roots and restore. This is when Trisco Construction Services was called in. TCS was called in as the construction manager (CM) and put together a project team, including local engineers to solve the problems and restore the exterior.

TCS completed the following tasks during this project:

The masonry was stabilized, a new foundation and structural support system was built and installed, and waterproofing treatments were installed.
-In order to keep the architectural appeal of the primary limestone façade, TCS designed and installed a new façade system which included Dryvit’s Lymestone system. This was color-matched to the original limestone veneer and architectural detailing was used to re-create the same look around the entire building.
-In addition to the new “look,” it was determined that the addition of new insulation with the Dryvit system would provide a positive ROI due to energy cost savings.

This project review is yet another example of the capabilities and specialty operations that Trisco Construction Services offers to our clients. We offer our services in a professional and competitive manner. Please feel free to contact us regarding additional information or how we can handle your special needs.


Project Story: Webb Insurance


Project Story: Webb Insurance