Posted November 9, 2018 by & filed under General, Tips & How-To's.

Most often, the notion to install a water repellent coating begins with a leak. Unfortunately, many people don’t consider the cost of repairing and cleaning the wall before applying the coating. Here are a few things to think about if you are considering a project.

What is the reason for applying the water repellent?
Is it supplemental to a restoration program, or is it solely intended to stop your leaks? If the intent is to stop leaks, the first step should be locating the source of the moisture penetration. This step usually uncovers underlying issues, such as open voids in mortar joints, cracks, improperly installed copings or other surface failures, which permit moisture into the wall system. These items must be repaired before proceeding. Water repellents will not span across cracks, defects, or open joints.

What is the wall construction? Is there a cavity drainage system?
Evaluate whether or not the wall is a barrier system or a drainage system. If the wall is designed with a cavity drainage system, then any moisture that absorbs through the brick should be captured and diverted back outward at the base of the wall by the flashing system. If this system is not working, it must be repaired and then evaluated for success. If left un-repaired, the water repellent coating may keep moisture out initially, but it will inevitably leak again when the effectiveness of the coating wears off.

Have you tested for absorbency?
After all repairs have been made, the absorbency can be confirmed with a RILEM tube uptake test. The intent is to determine the application method, required application coverage rate, and the expected reduction in absorption.
Water repellent coatings can greatly reduce moisture absorbency through the exterior of walls. They are relatively inexpensive and somewhat simple to apply, but it is never as simple as walking up to the wall and applying the water

If you would like to understand more about solving your leak, please contact us at 419-339-3906 for an evaluation.