Posted November 4, 2019 by & filed under Safety, Wellness.

The busy and exciting holiday season is right around the corner. Along with the holidays comes family dinners, parties, and the preparation and planning for gift-giving. These events give you plenty of distractions from making healthy food choices and may put workouts off of your schedule. Here are a few easy tips to keep healthy behaviors from getting derailed during this busy time of year.

Avoid Carb Cravings

When the temperature drops, our cravings for carbs and comfort food begin to increase. As the day goes on, the cravings get stronger. To avoid the daily carb cravings, eat a protein-filled breakfast to keep yourself full of energy throughout the day. If you still have the carb carving in the afternoon, then munch on a low-fat or healthy snack. 

Plan your Workouts

Try to stick to a weekly exercise plan so that you don’t inadvertently avoid working out. Sit down on Sunday night and write down your exercise schedule for the week. It might include a quick walk on the treadmill or just some quick exercises when you wake up. Knowing your schedule a day in advance makes it easier to follow. If you are traveling during the holiday season, find ways to adjust your workout – reserve a hotel with a gym or incorporate easy “at home” exercises that can be done anywhere.

Cook with Spices

Onions, garlic, ginger, and cilantro are the perfect spices to add flavor to any meal. These spices not only add great flavor but they can also boost your immune system. This is a perfect way to prevent the dreaded winter cold and flu.

Drink some Water

We know this is a no brainer in the summer months as we are quick to grab the water bottle when out in the heat. However, with cooler months approaching, we tend to forget that our bodies still need our daily hydration. Between the holiday drinks, delicious sweets, colder temperatures, and holiday travel you are going to need more water than normal. Stay hydrated throughout the day, keep a water bottle close at all times.

Take time for the little things

As we approach the end of the season or year, we are hustling and focused on a million different things. Multitasking, while seeming productive, is distracting and can cause you to miss out on quality time with your family. Try not to forget the healthy work balance that is needed to help maximize your presence in both areas.

Implementing these steps before it is too late can be a great way to manage not only your weight but also your mental health. Enjoy the holidays and stay healthy for the New Year.